is a storage company of petrol and derivates that operation in all parts where DIDIDOM HOLDING has interest economics and business with fuel.
DIDIDOM TANK TERMINAL has project in Spain, Benin , Ghana, Russia and Saudi Arabia
With the company Dididom SA in Niger for management and control the transport of petrol products in pipeline control with the best technology in communication information in real time , monitoring all farms in the offices of companies with relation in this business.
use the best technology in security , care our workers and installations for no disturb the life of population where has installations.
We have mainstreamed sustainability as a company value, and last year further aligned our corporate strategy to our values. We want to continue persisting with the proven while promoting the new.
Going forward, we will continue to strive for a balance between economic, environmental and social dimensions in all our activities, and thus contribute to the welfare of employees, the environment, and the surrounding communities in our area of the value chain.
Our sustainable goals do not just relate to the aspect of long-term planning; as a family-owned business the social and environmental repercussions of our activities are also very important.
we use the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the German Sustainability Code (DNK).
Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability
The goal of sustainable development is to act in an economically sound way while conserving resources, maintaining the social equilibrium, and protecting our environment
Environmental Protection
Our activities impact the environment both directly and indirectly. We therefore want to make every effort to position ourselves as an environmentally friendly company within our business activities – a company that keeps its negative impact on the environment to an absolute minimum.
The protection of the environment has high priority ín all our business activities. Nevertheless, the storage and transportation of petroleum products and chemicals carry a risk of spillage. It is our responsibility to reduce this risk significantly by implementing preventive safety measures.
Human Resources Work
Given our company’s strong growth in recent years, forward-looking, active human resources (HR) work plays an important role.
The overarching goal of the HR Department is to partner with the operating companies as well as the departments of our holding company to deliver efficient solutions that give our employees the framework for best contributing to the success of the company